Tuesday 17 December 2019

Fantastic 4


InsyaAllah we'll be expecting our number 4 next year. Doakan perjalanan pregnancy kali ni lancar seperti yang sebelum-sebelum ni. After false positive that we had last year, so many things crossed my mind 😆

So many things to be grateful for in 2019. Alhamdulillah.

Mama as usual lah hoping for a girl while papa wants more boys 😂 we'll see.

Boy or girl mama don't really care, what's important is the health of our babies. ♥️


5/52. Edd 15/8/2020

Thursday 1 August 2019

HELLO 2019!

Hi Blog Kesayangan.

A lot has happened for the past few years of me being abscent from this blogging world.
wait, no. Not much has happened actually. we are doing just fine. just like how we liked it.

Major Update:
1. i have opened my own private practice named.....*insert drumroll*.........................


 well, couldnt have had a better name right?

2. I have 3 kids now! Adam, Idris and Nuh whom i love so much.
 well last year we had a false positive result. for 2 weeks we thought we were pregnant with the number 4. But Allah has better plans. Maybe next year. InsyaAllah. We wanted 6 kids. There you go. so you can stop guessing. We want to have six kids. Secretly wishing to have 3 boys and 3 girls. but i dont mind having 6 boys though. imagine me having so many body guards when i get older, no?

3. Our beloved bezza got stolen in February. husband replaced it with a Myvi so it will be easier for me to get work done everyday. i drove the Vellfire everyday for a month, and it surely took a toll on my weight. lol. in a good way.

4. We finally have tenants for both our unoccupied houses. Alhamdulillah.

so many blessings this year. Alhamdulillah

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Dua line penuh kegembiraan


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Sejak seminggu lepas rasa mual-mual lain macam. So kelmarin aku amek keputusan untuk buat upt. Baru celup terus T menyala terang. Terbeliak mata sebab tak percaya. Haha. Terus jerit panggil husband, masa tu dia sikit lagi nak keluar pintu dah nak pergi masjid. Pastu husband bagi thumbs up je pasal die dah ada wudhu nanti karang batal pulak hahaha

So here we go. Our third time being pregnant. Semoga lancar dan selamat semuanya.. kesian kat Idris sebab masih menyusu. InsyaAllah mama mampu nak susukan idris time pregnant ni.

Due date tak dapat dipastikan lagi because i have not had my menses for quite some time. I lost track already. So next week baru nak pergi scan.

Secretly wishing for a girl, but i dont mind if its a boy though. I love my kids no matter what.

Love you little peanut.

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Wednesday 1 February 2017

My kids and our swimming pool

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Assalaam and hi!
Today is the 1st of february year 2017.

Adam and Idris are doing fine. It is now CNY holidays so Adam is not going to school for 1 week. We were suppose to balik kampung to pasir mas but we were not able to get the new car before cny. And husband thinks its too much troublesome for him to drive a bezza back to kelantan. Later i bought him airplane tickets but sadly he missed the flight! Memang x da rezeki nak balik kampung tengok kak yong kahwin.

But anyways, Husband has permanently transferred to JB and we are ecstaticly happy! I hope we will be getting our new car by the end of this month. 

January has been a very good month for us. I was able to make 40k out of my op sales. It was double than the month before that. I really hope we can continue to strive and be better.

I really miss my old car though. Kia forte jnj8730. None like any other. Tapi takpe ada rezeki lain lagi lepas ni. InsyaAllah..

So harini nak masak apa? Semalam masak telur goreng sambal, sayur goreng sos tiram. Hari sebelum tu masak lemon butter chicken (sedap gile!). Lama x makan udang.. bila harga udang nak turun?

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Monday 2 January 2017

Adam the builder.

eh bukan Adam the builder. tapi Bob the builder!

tapi Adam kami ni memang dari dulu teringin sangat bekerja di construction site. Baru-baru ni jiran belakang rumah Tok Mummy jual tanah die kat company heavy machineries, so backhoe loader, excavators dan pelbagai size dumtruck park di belakang rumah kami. of courselah Adam teruja sangat!

Tempat bermain 'pasir' di Wangsa Walk. bukan pasir pun sebenarnya ni but feels more like beads.
gigih mengisi 'pasir' ke dalam dump truck.

Yang ni pulak koleksi gambar-gambar Adam with his toys. waktu ni mama tengah cuti lepas bersalinkan Idris. dah setahun dah gambar-gambar ni di ambil. setahun kemudian of course lah koleksi Adam dah bertambah. sekarang kerjanya berebut mainan dengan Idris.

All sorts of trains.

Segala kenderaan berat.

All sorts of buses.

sekarang ni Adam dan Idris dua-dua dah pandai berebut mainan. pening kepala mama ni bila dua-dua bedik kecik ni tak nak share. takkanlah nak kena beli dua mainan yang sama? of course not! mainan yang ada ni pun aku yakin sangat adalah paling terbanyak untuk seorang kanak-kanak seusianya.

esok Adam akan ke sekolah. harap-harap terbuka hatinya untuk berseronok di sekolah. sekolah tu sekolah aku jugak dulu. memang menyeronokkan! 

ok mama kena bangun buat mealbox untuk Adam esok. kita kick start with nasi goreng merah dulu. his favourite.

i love you anak-anak.